Schema Therapy Training & Consulting
in Aotearoa New Zealand and international
Estelle Macdonald welcoming you to STTaC
to STTaC

Kia ora and welcome

I am Estelle Macdonald a Registered Clinical Psychologist and an accredited supervisor, trainer and passionate advocate of Schema Therapy. As the first Schema Therapy provider in Aotearoa/New Zealand, I am delighted to offer fellow therapists, both domestic and international, training and supervision in person or online.

Schema Therapy is an integrative therapy that helps clients learn how to get their psychological needs met in a healthy way. It involves emotional experiential work and cognitive strategies that lead to positive shifts in ways of thinking, feeling, coping and relating.

Here at Schema Therapy Training & Consulting (STTaC), I offer a range of ISST certification workshops as well as my own workshops on using Schema Therapy creatively. For monthly updates on our training and group supervision schedule, please sign up to our mailing list (Google Forms).